The question of proximity with our audiences and with the field has not stopped haunting the debate on the media and especially within our Catholic media for whom this dimension has always been crucial and nourishing. It keeps reappearing. But it has taken a wider place all around the world where journalists are accused of doing their job when they are cut off from economical and social realities. This confidence crisis has been nourishing the anti-media charges of populist projects which keep gaining ground on every continent. In France, the sequence of “ yellow jackets ” has underlined this obvious split.
But what is it like ? These International St. Francis of Sales days will prepare a precise inventory of the situation, thanks to professionals and experts. The question of proximity has become crucial and it is at the very heart of the upheavals affecting the media. It also affects media expansions on the field, it privileges reporting at the expense of other press genres, it distils its effects on the media temporality. And it also announces deep breaks in the way we are doing our jobs.
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