

Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the managers and employees of TV2000 and Radio InBlu (29 January 2024)
Audience with members of the International Association of Journalists Accredited to the Vatican (22 January 2024)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Delegations of the Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies; the Italian Periodical Press Union; the Coral Association; and the AIART Media Citizens Association (23 November 2023)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Delegation for the presentation of the “È Giornalismo” (It’s Journalism) Award (26 August 2023)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to participants in the meeting promoted by the International Catholic Legislators Network (26 August 2023)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to a representation of readers of the weekly magazine “Famiglia Cristiana” (21 May 2022)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to participants in the meeting organized by the Coordination of Communication Associations [COPERCOM] (31 October 2022)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Italian C.B. Radio Transmissions Foundation (26 March 2022)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Delegation of the Custody of The Holy Land on the Centenary of the journal "La Terra Santa" (17 January 2022)
Address  of His Holiness Pope Francis to Members of the Pauline Family, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Blessed James Alberione (25 November 2021) [IT]
Presentation of an award to Ms. Alazraki and Mr. Pullella, in the presence of journalists accredited to the Holy See Press Office (13 November 2021)
Visit of the Holy Father to the work-community of the Dicastery for Communication (24 May 2021)
Greetings of His Holiness Pope Francis to a Delegation from the "Catholic News Service" (February 1, 2021)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Editorial Board of the Weekly "Tertio" (Belgium) (September 18, 2020)
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Catholic Media Conference sponsored by the Catholic Press Association (June 30, 2020)
Greeting of the Holy Father to the world of street newspapers (April 21, 2020)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the members of the Italian Catholic Press Union (September 23, 2019)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the members of the Italian Foreign Press Association (May 18, 2019)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to a Delegation of Catholic and Evangelical journalists from the Federal Republic of Germany (April 4, 2019)
Rescriptum ex Audientia of the Holy Father by which it is decided that the Secretariat for Communication shall hereafter be named the “Dicastery for Communication" (June 23, 2018)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Delegation of the "Biagio Agnes" International Journalism Award (June 4, 2018)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to Management and Staff of the newspaper "Avvenire", with their Families (May 1, 2018)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to members of the Italian Periodical Press Union (USPI) and the Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies (FISC) (December 16, 2017)
Publication of the Statute of the Secretariat for Communication (September 6, 2016)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Radio Maria Association (October 29, 2015)
Apostolic Letter issued 'Motu Proprio' «The current context of communications» for the establishment of the Secretariat for Communication (June 27, 2015)
Apostolic Journey to Sarajevo: In-Flight Press Conference of the Holy Father from Sarajevo to Rome (June 6, 2015)
Meeting with the Pauline Family (November 27, 2014)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to directors and employees of the Vatican Television Center (October 28, 2013) (Video)
Address of Pope Francis to the Community of Writers of "La Civiltà Cattolica" (June 14, 2013)
Audience with the media representatives (March 16, 2013) (Video)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies (November 26, 2010)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to participants in the Congress organized by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (October 7, 2010)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to participants in the National Congress entitled Digital Witnesses sponsored by the Italian Episcopal Conference (April 24, 2010)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to participants in the National Congress entitled Digital Witnesses sponsored by the Italian Episcopal Conference (April 24, 2010)
Meeting with artists in the Sistine Chapel (November 21, 2009)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to managers and employees of the Vatican Television Center with their family members (December 18, 2008)
Mensaje del Arzobispo Claudio Maria Celli, Presidente del Consejo Pontificio para las Comunicaciones Sociales, a todos los comunicadores católicos de América (12 dicembre 2007)
Intervention by Archbishop John P. Foley at the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (Tunisi, 18 novembre 2005)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI at the world preview of the film "John Paul II" (November 17, 2005)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to members of the Pauline Family (October 1, 2005)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the representatives of social communications (April 23, 2005)
Holy Father John Paul II chooses theme for World Communications Day 2005 (September 29, 2004)
Intervention by Archbishop John P. Foley at the World Federation of Advertisers on its 50th anniversary (28 ottobre 2003)
Address of John Paul II to the members of Unda, the International Catholic Association for Radio and Television, and OCIC, the International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisuals (November 20, 2001)
Address of John Paul II on the seventieth anniversary of the Vatican Radio (February 13, 2001)
Address of John Paul II to journalists on their Jubilee (June 4, 2000)
Address of JOhn Paul II for the Jubilee for Artists (February 18, 2000)
Address of John Paul II to the editorial staff of the Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica (April 22, 1999)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the International Congress of Studies on Motion Picture (November 19, 1998)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the 42nd ordinary session of the European Broadcasting Union (June 28, 1991)
Address of John Paul II to the people of the Communication Industry in Los Angeles (September 15, 1987)
Address of John Paul II to the Council of the International Catholic Union of the Press (March 21, 1985)
Address of John Paul II to the Commission of the European Broadcasting Union (April 3, 1981)
Address of John Paul II to journalists (October 21, 1978)
Address of Holy Father John Paul I to Representatives of the Press (1 September 1978)
Address of the Holy Father Paul VI to the General Assembly of UNDA (2 settembre 1974)
FIACP - Fédération Internationale des Agences Catholiques de Presse (February 7, 1966)
Messages of the Council: To the artists (December 8, 1965)
DIscours du Pape Paul VI a la Xème session du marché international du film (23 ottobre 1964)
Statute of the Vatican Film-Library (November 16, 1959)
Encyclical Letter "Miranda Prorsus" (September 8, 1957)
Lettre Apostolique proclamant Ste Claire Patronne Céleste de la télévision (14 febbraio 1957)
Pontifical Commission for motion pictures, radio and television (December 16, 1954)




Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the participants of the Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery for Communication (31 October 2024)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to Employees and participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery for Communication (November 12, 2022)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to Employees of the Dicastery for Communication, on the occasion of the Plenary Assembly (September 23, 2019)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Secretariat for Communication (May 4, 2017)
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (September 21, 2013)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (February 28, 2011)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (October 29, 2009)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 9, 2007)
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 17, 2006)
Address of His Holiness John Paul II to the Members of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 9, 2004)
Address of His Holiness John Paul II to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 25, 2003)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Meeting of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 1, 2002)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Meeting of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 16, 2001)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 4, 1999)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 20, 1998)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (February 28, 1997)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 7, 1996)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 17, 1995)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 4, 1994)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 12, 1993)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 20, 1992)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 1, 1991)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (March 15, 1990)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (February 24, 1989)
Address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (March 3, 1988)
Address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (March 20, 1987)
Address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (February 27, 1986)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (March 7, 1985)
Address of John Paul II to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications  (March 5, 1981)
Address of His Holiness Paul VI to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (March 8, 1978)
Address of His Holiness Paul VI to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (March 17, 1976)
Address of His Holiness Paul VI to the Consultors of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (February 26, 1975)
Address of His Holiness Paul VI to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (March 4, 1972)
Address of His Holiness Paul VI to the partecipants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (March 15, 1971)
Address of His Holiness Paul VI to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (June 5, 1970)



"Towards Full Presence" - Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media (May 28, 2023)
Apostolic Letter The rapid development (January 24, 2005)
"The Church and Internet" (February 28, 2002)
"Ethics in Internet" (February 28, 2002)
"Ethics in Communications" (June 2, 2000)
"Towards a pastoral approach to culture" (May 23, 1999)
"Ethics in advertising" (February 22, 1997)
"100 years of cinema" (January 20, 1995)
Instruction on some aspects of the use of the instruments of Social Communication in promoting the doctrine of the Faith (March 30, 1992)
Pastoral Instruction Aetatis Novae (February 22, 1992)
Criteria for ecumenical and inter-religious cooperation in Communications (October 4, 1989)
Pornography and violence in the communications: a pastoral response (May 7, 1989)
Guide to the Training of Future Priest Concerning the Instruments of Social Communication (March 19, 1986)
Address of His Holiness John Paul I to Representatives of the International Press (John Paul I, September 1, 1978)
Discorso alla Pontificia Commissione per le Comunicazioni sociali (Paul VI, March 8, 1978) 
Pastoral Instruction Communio et Progressio (May 23, 1971)
Decree on the media of social communications Inter mirifica (Paul VI, December 4, 1963)
Encyclical Letter Miranda Prorsus (Pius XII, September 8, 1957)
The Ideal Film -Exortations to representatives of the world of the cinema (Pius XII, June 21, 1955 - October 25, 1955)
Istruzione sull'apostolato del cinema (May 11, 1953)
Letter to Father Jean Bernard, OCIC President (Secretariat of State, May 16, 1952)
Statuto della Pontificia Commissione per la Cinematografia (Pius XII, January 1, 1952)
Statuto della Pontificia Commissione per la Cinematografia didattica e religiosa (Pius XII, September 17, 1948)
Encyclical Letter Vigilanti Cura (Pius XI, June 29, 1936)