20 February 2021

The “Faith Communication in the Digital World” project begins

Today starts the training initiative to bring faith to digital media


Today, Saturday, February 20th, 2021, the Faith Communication in the Digital World project begins. A group of 16 young communicators from the following countries will participate: Cambodia, Canada, Costa Rica, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, South Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

This pilot project of the Dicastery for Communication is being carried out with a group of young people diverse not only in terms of background, but also in terms of experience and skills. The participants will benefit from the contribution of several experts in digital communication.

The challenge that will be addressed is the question regarding how the Church can and should be present online in order to respond adequately to people’s spiritual needs through online platforms as well. The Covid-19 crisis has led to an increased sense of urgency felt by many in the Church to learn an effective communication approach and to ensure a social media presence that witnesses an evangelical “style”.

Lectures and individual coaching on specific topics will be offered to the group of young communicators. They will also be involved in discussions together with internationally renowned experts and a number of outstanding witnesses of our time who can be of inspiration for our young potentials regarding best practices for the proper use of digital instruments in the communication of the Faith.

The project's final objective is to develop a proposal for best practices that also delineates the main problems and issues that users currently face with the internet. With this practical experience, we hope that these young communicators can develop skills useful for their work in Catholic organizations and institutions, in their local Churches and in their congregations, so as to be better able to serve the Church's mission.

Faith Communication in the Digital World will unfold through weekly meetings held online. Among other activities, the project will include a few residential weeks in Rome, which will be planned taking into consideration the situation due to the pandemic.