Reading of Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation 'Laudate Deum' in 12 Italian bookshops

Public reading of the new apostolic exhortation on ecology.

Wednesday 4 October 2023

There are 12 bookshops involved in the public reading, here they are with their respective times (admission is free):

Arcadia of Rovereto (Tn) at 7 pm;

Bonturi di San Bonifacio (Vr) at 8.45 pm,

Gregoriana di Este (Pd) at 9pm,

Il Gabbiano di Vimercate (Mb) at 9pm,

Internazionale Francescana in Assisi (Pg) at 4pm,

Itaca di Castel Bolognese (Ra) at 9pm,

Mondadori of Rieti at 8pm,

Paoline of Palermo at 8pm,

SanPaolo in Sassari at 7pm,

San Paolo in Vicenza at 6pm,

Spazio Cultura in Palermo at 6pm.


Introducing the reading will be a video presentation of Laudate Deum by Andrea Tornielli, editorial director of the Holy See's Dicastery for Communication, who will briefly illustrate Francis' document.